Dr. Daniel Singh has sent his presentation to us about HoneyPots. Dr Daniel Singh is a CISO at Technogeeks, A security researcher, evangelist, Certified Ethical Hacker and a ECSA himself. He has also presented papers at International conferences and in the Indian scene he has been an active participant at the DEFCON Bangalore (DC9180) meet.
The paper covers the following areas:
1) Introduction to Honey Pots
2) Evolution of Honey Pots
3) Benefits and Dis-advantages
4) Analysis of Honeypots
5) Legal aspects behind Honey pots
6) Detection of Honey Pots
7) Anti Honeypot techniques
We hope you find this post useful and extend a sincere thanks to Dr Daniel Singh for contributing to this post. You can download the presentation here HoneyPot1
The Security Research Team